
Your life gets better if you play more golf. For some of you, playing more golf and helping those around you do the same has a nearly uncapped financial upside. Sadly, you didn't become successful by not working hard or being an absent boss.

By becoming a Palmer Fellow, you will play more golf while being held accountable for leading well through it.

Nothing that a Palmer Fellow does is rocket science: play golf, don't use leverage, quantify value, generously give opportunity away.

The hard part is executing consistently. But put yourself in a small community that knows you and can help you through the hard conversations, and it's possible.

It's hard to find a community of people who genuinely care about the frivolous problems of the .1%. Which we're comfortable admitting this is. But it doesn't change the fact that solving the problem makes your life better, and that's worth some funny looks.

Here's the commitment. 50-25-5. 50 rounds of quantified golf. $25k. At least 5 people under your wing.

If the commitment doesn't scare you, and you want to start the vetting process, send an email to: vetting@palmer.institute